Reactivos de luminiscencia

Además de los luminómetros Berthold DS, les ofrecemos una completa línea de reactivos de luminiscencia en diversas presentaciones. Se trata de soluciones asequibles para cualquier tipo de laboratorio, desde los que introducen este tipo de técnicas en sus líneas de investigación hasta los que realizan un gran número de determinaciones. Para consultar precios y ofertas, contacte con nosotros.

Firefly Luciferase

Description Order Number Quantity
Beetle-Juice E-1 02 5 11 100 ml
Beetle-Juice Pack E-1 02 5 01P 10 x 10 ml
Beetle-Juice E-1 02 5 01 10 ml
Beetle-Juice con lysis buffer E-1 02 5 11L 100 ml
Beetle-Juice con lysis buffer Pack E-1 02 5 01PL 10 x 10 ml
Beetle-Juice con lysis buffer E-1 02 5 01L 10 ml


Renilla Luciferase

Description Order Number Quantity
Renilla-Juice E-1 02 5 31 100 ml
Renilla-Juice Pack E-1 02 5 301P 10 x 10 ml
Renilla-Juice E-1 02 5 301 10 ml


Firefly + Renilla Luciferase

Description Order Number Quantity
Beetle+Renilla Juice (1000 assays) "duo" con lysis buffer E-1 02 5 11DL 100 ml
Beetle+Renilla Juice (10x100 assays) "duo"1 con lysis buffer Pack E-1 02 5 11DL1 10 x 10 ml
Beetle+Renilla Juice (100 assays) "duo"2 con lysis buffer E-1 02 5 11DL2 10 ml



Description Order Number Quantity
β-Gal-Juice E-1 03 31 1 100 ml
β-Gal-Juice Pack E-1 03 31 01P 10 x 10 ml
β-Gal-Juice E-1 03 31 01 10 ml



Description Order Number Quantity
D-Luciferin E-1 02 1 11 100 mg
p.a. free acid, firefly (synth.) p.a. quality, purity: >99%. Analytical certificate by chiral HPLC analysis according to product information. Packed in brown glass ampoules, bottled under argon. E-1 02 1 12 500 mg
E-1 02 1 13 1 g
D-Luciferin-Na-salt E-1 02 1 31 100 mg
firefly (synth.), sodium salt p.a. quality, purity: >99%, analytical certificate by chiral HPLC analysis according to product information. Packed in brown glass ampoules, bottled under argon. E-1 02 1 32 500 mg
E-1 02 1 33 1 g
D-Luciferin-K-salt E-1 02 1 41 100 mg
firefly (synth.), potassium salt p.a. quality, purity: >99%, analytical certificate by chiral HPLC analysis according to product information. Packed in brown glass ampoules, bottled under argon. E-1 02 1 42 500 mg
E-1 02 1 43 1 g



Description Order Number Quantity
Coelenterazine E-1 02 1 71 1 mg
nativ (synth.) substrate for Renilla and Gaussia luciferase. Packed in brown glass ampoules, bottled under argon. E-1 02 1 72 5 mg
E-1 02 1 73 10 mg
Benzyl-Coelenterazine (h-Coelenterazine) E-1 02 1 81 1 mg
(synth). Packed in brown glass ampoules, bottled under argon. E-1 02 1 82 5 mg


in vivo imaging

Description Order Number Quantity
Coelenterazine (native-CTZ) E-1 02 1 101 250 µg
for animal use only in sterile injection vials, each sterile vial is supplied with a sterile diluent. E-1 02 1 102 500 µg
E-1 02 1 103 1 mg
Benzyl-Coelenterazine (h-CTZ) E-1 02 1 91 250 µg
for animal in vivo imaging only in sterile injection vials, each sterile vial is supplied with a sterile diluent. E-1 02 1 92 500 µg
E-1 02 1 93 1 mg

Para consultar sobre otros reactivos, contacte con nosotros.


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